Kaitlyn Avery Sasso has arrived.
Born Wednesday June 3rd, 2009
at 10:47 AM
Weighing 6 pounds, 15 ounces
20.5 inches long

My contractions started on Tuesday June 2
nd at around 5:30Pm. They were irregular and not very strong, so I just sort of ignored them :) At around 8:30 that night, they were coming more regularly, so I decided to start timing them and writing it all down. I did this for an hour, then called my mom. Alisha, and My Doctor. My dad headed over to our house to pick up our dog, Max. Michael and I then headed to
Northside Hospital of
Forsyth. We arrived at the hospital at around 11:30PM. We were taken back to our room and signed a bunch of paper work. At 2:30AM I
received my epidural, and Mike and I tried to sleep for the rest of the night. At around 6AM, there was a shift change, and my new nurse came in to introduce herself. I decided to call my mom, and she (along with my dad,
Kylee, and Bruce) were walking into the Hospital Lobby!! They saw Alisha there, too. She had been there since around 4:30AM. No one wanted to miss the birth! I told them to tell the receptionist that I was awake and wanted them all to come back! They did, and we all sort of hung out the rest of the morning. Around 10:30, my contractions were strong and regular. I was fighting the urge to push with each one. It was so intense! I told the mid-wife I needed to push and that the baby was coming NOW! Everyone left the room except my husband :) the mid-wife and a nurse. I pushed with 4 contractions (with them still getting the room set up in between) and Kaitlyn was born less than 10 minutes later!!
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