Friday, July 3, 2009

A Friday night cookout!

Tonight we had Neil and Alisha over to cookout and play some games. They brought steaks, rolls, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and delicious ice cream! The boys made dinner and grilled out while Alisha and I hung out upstairs...organizing the new clothes I had just bought for Kaitlyn :) I also gave her a few presents I had for her. During dinner, the boys seemed to forget how to use a knife and fork...see pictures below. After dinner, we had dessert, the boys went and played tennis while Alisha and I bathed Kaitlyn, then we all played games. We played Sequence (very fun) three times...the girls kept what if we cheated?! :) Then we played Sorry. They left around 1...What a FUN night!

1 comment:

  1. That steak was rediculous!!! SOOO GOOD! I put all manners aside.
